bestofbest啥意思 best是什么意思

2024-05-03 1704 明贵知识网

意思是最佳精选(专辑名,Best Of Best)

All photographers will upload only the best of best selection of their pictures.所有摄影师只上传最好的精选图片。

Nunavut believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best modern science.

bestofbest啥意思 扩展


1.A few of us, the best of the best.我们的一少部分精英中的精英

2.and the best of the best and the most successful,那个最好的,那个最成功的.

3.He's great with attracting and motivating The best of the best people.他非常善于拉拢和鼓动那些精英

bestofbest啥意思 扩展

best of the best 当然可以,就是最好、顶尖的意思也是精彩集锦的意思。

